Lesson 2


1. Look at the timetable. Ask and answer the questions in pairs.


1. Which lesson starts at half past nine on Monday? Computer studies.
2. Which lesson finishes at half past one on Sunday? Home Economics.
3. Which lesson is after Home Economics on Sunday? Religion.
4. What time does Arabic start on Monday? 12.50 / Ten to one.
5. What time does Maths finish on Sunday? 9.30 / Half past nine.


2. Listen to Shady talking about his day. Circle the correct words.

1. Shady usually / sometimes gets up at 6.45.
2. He always / never walks to school.
3. He never / always sits next to his best friend.
4. He often / sometimes plays sport after school.
5. He sometimes / never plays chess.
6. He never / often listens to music.


3. Look at the information. Complete the sentences.

1. Ali doesn’t like swimming.
2. Mustafa loves playing chess.
3. Hamdi doesn’t like watching TV.
4. Fawzi likes swimming.
5. Fawzi and Hamdi love painting.
6. Mustafa and Ali like playing basketball.