Lesson 2


1. Read the text message conversation. What is in this photo?

pic 1

It’s a 3D printer. / It shows 3D printing.

2. Match the verbs to the photos. Which of these are in Adam’s conversation?


1. write an email

2. send a text message

3. tap on the icon

4. click on the icon

5. look at a website

6. send a photo

7. make a video call

8. take a selfie

The following are mentioned in Adam’s conversation:

look at a website, send a photo, take a selfie.

3. Read the text again and answer the questions.

1. Who is Adam sending text messages to? his grandfather.
2. What game is Granddad playing online? chess.
3. Where is Adam looking for information about 3D printers? on a website.
4. What are Mum and Alia doing? They are taking selfies.

4. Work in pairs. Discuss.

2. Do you tap or click on an icon on a mobile phone? What about a laptop computer?

You tap on an icon on a phone, you click on an icon on a laptop computer.

3. Are icons always the same on all phones or laptops? Guess what these icons mean.

They are not always the same but they are usually similar. The icons are: Phone/email/message.

5. What is happening in the picture? Work in pairs to complete:


1. A girl is reading a book.

2. Two boys are playing football.

3. Two boys are playing chess.

4. A girl is looking at a website / using a tablet.

5. Two girls are taking a selfie.

6. A boy is listening to music.

7. A boy is sending a text message.