Lesson 6


1. Read Injy's email to her friend Salam and answer the questions.

1. Why doesn't Injy see Salam at school?

Salam is a different / new school now.

2. What isn't Injy happy about?

A good teacher is leaving the school.

3. What is Injy looking forward to?

She is looking forward to the school trip to Amman.


2. Complete the phrases below with the words in the box.


Phrases to begin:

Dear Injy Hi Injy Hello Injy.

Asking who someone is:

How are you? How are things? How's it going? How's life?

Introducing news:

The news from me / us is that Guess waht?

Talking about feelings:

I / we miss you.

I / we hope that you are ......

I'm so excited / sad because...

Talling about the future:

I'm looking forward to....

I can't wait to...

Phrases to end:

Write soon see you soon