Lesson 4


1. Work in pairs. Match the parts of the body to their functions.

1. brain, b. it tells the parts of our body what to do.

2. heart, c. It pumps blood around the body.

3. lungs a. They take in air and help us to to breathe.

2. Read the article. Which parts of the body did Ancient Egyptian doctors understand some things about?

They understood some things about the heart and the brain (but not everything).

3. Read the article again. Are these sentences true (T) or false (F)?

1. Ancient Egyptian doctors used to write about their work. T

2. The doctors understood everything about how the heart works. F (They thought it pumped air to our lungs).

3. They thought the brain was very important. F (They did not know how important it was).

4. Some of the medicines we use today are the same as they used in Ancient Egypt. T

5. We learned how to help people to see from the Ancient Egyptians. F (They thought medicine from an animal's eye could help).


4. Ask and answer the questions in pairs.

1. How do we know about Ancient Egyptian doctors?

We know about Ancient Egyptian doctors because they wrote down their ideas.

2. Whta did they use to know about the heart?

They understood that the heart pumps blood around the body, but they also used to think the heart pumped air to our lungs.

3. What did they use to do or use to help patients?

They used to use plants to help people with burns and to stop infections, and they knew how to mend broken bones and sew cuts.