Lesson 3


1. Read and match th words with their mean-ings.

1. community, e. a small area and the people who live in it.

2. pick up, d. collect something from a place.

3. disabled, b. when someone cannot use a part of the body in the way most people can.

4. donate, c. give something useful to a person or charity that needs help.

5. feed, a. give food to a perdon or animal.


2. Read and correct the mistakes in the sentences.

1. This is the statue who the school visited last year.

This is the statue which/that the school visited last year.

2. The tourists what visit Egypt always love the ancient temples.

The tourists who visit Egypt always love the ancient temples.

3. I love the trainers who are blue and red.

I love the trainers which are blue and red.

4. That's the teacher which teaches us maths.

That's the teacher who teaches us maths.

5. This is the place that I met John Yesterday.

This is the place where I met John Yesterday.

3. Complete the questions with who, which, that or where.

1. What is the name of the person who is sitting next to you?

2. What is the name of a charity which/that you would like to donate money to?

3. What is the name of the place where you would like to spend your next holiday?

4. What is the name of a famous sports person who you would like to meet?

5. What is the name of a book or film which/that you always recommend to your friends?