Lesson 2


1. Read the article quickly. What did Samar design?

A new type of transport (a hyperloop).

2. Read the article again and complete the sentences. Use your dictionary for difficult words.

1. Samar wanted to be an astronaut when she was young.

2. Samar studied space engineering at Cairo University.

3. A space technology company had a competition and Samar entered it.

4. Samar travelled to USA to receive her award.

5. Now Samar is a space engineer and a business person.

6. She helps young engineers to achieve their goals.


3. Work in pairs. Ask and answer questions.

1. Which / university / go to?

Which university did Samar go to?

She went to Cairo University.

2. What / she enter?

What did she enter?

She entered a competition to designe a new form of transport.

3. Who / be / in her team?

Who was in her team?

Other engineering students from the university were in her team.

4. Where / other teams / come from?

Where did the other teams come from?

They came from all around the world.

5. When / Samar / start / her company?

When did Samar start her own company?

She started it three years after she won the competition.

6. Who / she / give speeches to?

Who does she give speeches to?

She gives speeches to other young engineers.

4. Discuss these questions in pairs.

1. What challenges do you think there were for Samar and her team?

It would be difficult to work on new technology. It would be expensiv.

2. What has Samar acheived?

She has achieved a lot: she has been to university, won a competition, travelled to the USA and started her own business.


5. Listen to a discussion about the campaigner Magdy Abdel Sayed and choose the correct answer.

1. Why was it difficult to find a school for Magdy?

a. Because Magdy needed a lot of help with his work.

b. Because some schools didn't have equipment for disabled people.

2. What kind of education did Magdy have?

a. He studied at home.

b. He went to school and university.

3. What has always been important to Magdy?

a. Helping other people.

b. Getting a good job.

6. Listen to the conversation again and complete the notes about Magdy's achievements.


1. at school: won an award from cambridge University.

2. after school: lots of companies wanted to give him a job.

3. at university: worked as a volunteer for different charities.

4. now: works with a charity that helps disabled people.

Life Skills

1. What do you think are the challenges for disabled people in the situations below? at school, at university, at work.

Many schools, universitiees and work places don't have good access or equipment for disabled people.

2. How can we help disabled people to achieve their goals?

We can allow them equal opportunities, by providing them with help and support so that they can work as well as other people.