Lesson 5


1. Complete the story with these time expressions.


Karim has enjoyed windsurfing for about two years. He usually goes with his older brother.

A few months ago, he decided to windsurf alone. He did not tell his brother this.

It was windy, but that is good if you want to windsurf.

In the afternoon, the wind suddenly became very strong. The wind took Karim far from the beach.

He was very scared.

Some people in a boat came to help Karim.

After that, they took him back to the beach.

Karim has not windsurfed alone since that time, now he always windsurfs with an older person.

He has learnt an important lesson!

2. Read the story again and answer the questions.

1. Who does Karim usually windsurf with? his older brother.

2. What did he decide to do? He decided to windsurf alone.

3. Why was Karim scared? Because the wind took him far from the beach.

4. Who helped Karim? Some people in a boat helped him.

5. What lesson has Karim learnt? He learnt not to windsurf alone/ always to windsurf with an older person.