Lesson 2

Before you start

Look at the photos. What do you know about orangutans? Why do you think they’re disappearing from the natural world?

Orangutans are large apes which live in Indonesia.

They live in the forests and eat fruit, leaves and insects.

They can live for 50 years.

Orangutans are disappearing from the natural world because their habitats are disappearing.

People are cutting down the forests, so they can use the land to make new farms.


1. Listen and tick (T) the problems Luca said he had on his holiday.

He couldn’t eat the food. T

He didn’t see any orangutans.

A spider bit him. T

He lost his camera. T

He got lost in the rainforest.

He was sick. T

He lost his bags. T

2. Listen again. Are these sentences true (T) or false (F)? Correct the false sentences.

1. Luca went to India. F, He went to Indonesia/Borneo

2. Luca took a taxi to the orangutan centre. F, He went by boat.

3. He learned about the work the conservationists do. T

4. He ate lots of rice. T

5. The conservationists give food to the orangutans. F, They are wild animals.

6. The nearest hospital was close to the orangutan centre. F, It was 200km away.


4. Choose the correct answers to complete the sentences.

1. Omar was cycling / cycled across the Sahara last year.

2. Salma travelled / was travelling around Indonesia when she broke / was breaking her leg.

3. Yesterday, we saw /were seeing some beautiful fish in the Red Sea.

4. My cousin lived / were living in Costa Rica as a child because my uncle was a biologist.

5. The tourists didn’t enjoy / weren’t enjoying swimming in the sea. It was too dirty!

6. While I was doing / did my homework, mother prepared / was preparing dinner.

7. My grandparents never had / were having a holiday in Alexandria when they were young.

8. Jake arranged / was arranging to visit Madagascar before he started / was starting university.

5. Complete the text with the past simple or continuous form of the verbs in brackets.

Working Together

Last year, I went (go) to the Faroe Islands for a few days as a ‘voluntourist’ – I was both a tourist and a volunteer.

I helped (help) the locals to rebuild paths and walls.

It was very hard work, but great fun and I met (meet) other volunteers from all around the world.

While I was working (work) on the islands, I talked (talk) to the people who live there about life in such a remote place.

On the second day, I climbed (climb) to the top of a hill when the wind blew (blow) my hat off. Fortunately, the family I was staying (stay) with gave (give) me another, much warmer hat which I kept (keep) as a souvenir!