Lesson 3


2. Read the text again. Are these statements true (T) or false (F)?

1. There are a lot of adjectives in a short story. F, there are not many adjectives.

2. You do not need to give a lot of information about the main character. T

3. A short story can’t be written in the first person. F, they can be written in the first person.

4. A short story needs a problem, a surprise or something that goes wrong. T

5. The reader should be able to finish the story in his or her head. T

3. Read this short story and answer the questions.

1. Who are the main characters? What do we know about them?

The main characters are Tutankhamun and Howard Carter. We know he was a Pharaoh (and probably know that Howard Carter found his tomb).

2. What happens at the beginning, the middle and at the end?

At the beginning, Tutankhamun has a dream. In the middle, he forgets it. In the end, he is found by Howard Carter

3. Is there a surprise or a problem? If yes, what is it?

The surprise is his dream about the man who found him.