Lesson 1


1. Read the magazine article and match the headings with the correct paragraphs 1–4.

A. No more driving 3

B. Possible problems 4

C. Linking the world 1

D. Connecting our homes 2

2. Read the text again and answer the questions.

1. What is the Internet of Things?

It is machines talking to each other.

2. What will computers do in the future that some people do already?

They will decide when to switch on the lights (and heating).

3. What won’t people need to buy in the future?


4. Why are some people worried about the IOT?

They don’t think it’s safe.

5. Which organisations do criminals hack into?

Hospitals, power stations and airports.


3. Match the meaning of these words and phrases, then check in a dictionary.

1. communication, d. systems to send and receive information.
2. internet, f. a worldwide computer network.
3. technology, g. the use of science to create devices for everyday use.
4. connected, a. when more than one thing is joined or linked.
5. security, c. to protect a place or person.
6. smartphone, h. a device that can connect to the internet.
7. hack, b. when a computer system is broken into illegally.
8. app, e. a computer programme designed to perform / do a specific function.

4. Read the sentences. Decide if the words in bold in each sentence are used correctly.
Replace the incorrect words with the correct words from Exercise 3.

1. I have a cool new internet that helps you learn English words on your smartphone. app

2. Oh no! Someone has tried to connect into my new computer! hacc

3. Ali always has his smartphone in his hand and he’s always sending messages to his friends. smartphone (no change)

4. We use the internet to buy books because it’s easier than going to the book shop. internet (no change)

5. Security with my friends is really important to me. I talk to them as often as I can. Communication

6. Leila’s parents have bought her all the latest communication – she has a computer and a tablet. technology