
Treasure Island

1. Complete the sentences with these words.


1. Tarek was late, so he grabbed his school bag and ran for the bus.
2. Although they cannot see, blind people can often hear better than other people.
3. The taxi stopped and Lina asked the driver how much money she owed.
4. When I was little, my brother asked me to climb a tree in the park, but I didn’t dare It was too dangerous.
5. The beach is busy today, so can you guard my bag while I go for a swim?
6. My grandfather worked at night and didn’t see the sun very often, so he was always very pale.
7. Ali has ascar on his hand after he cut it with a knife.
8. Be careful if you walk that way. There is a big cliff and you don’t want to fall!

2. Match the people and places a–f from the story with the descriptions.

1. the person who tells the story, e. Jim Hawkins
2. the nearest place where other people live, f. the village
3. a sailor who comes to stay at the inn, d. the Captain (Bill)
4. the place where the inn is, c. Black Hill Cove
5. the inn where Jim lives with his parents, a. Admiral Benbow
6. a pale thin man with three fingers, b. Black Dog

3. Read Chapter 1 again quickly. Who has the following?

1. an inn by the sea. Jim Hawkins and his family
2. a scar on his face. The captain (Bill)
3. blood on his arm. Black Dog
4. a gun that they borrow from a neighbour. Jim Hawkins and his mother
5. the papers from the Captain’s box. Jim Hawkins

4. Circle True or False and correct the false sentences.

1. The Captain did not want any sailors to find him at the inn. True / False

2. The Captain paid a lot of money for his room. True / False (He paid three or four gold coins, but he owed money by the end of his stay)

3. One day, a black dog waits for the Captain at the inn. True / False (One day a man called Black Dog waits for the Captain at the inn)

4. The Captain tells Jim that he has something other people want. True / False

5. Jim and his mother’s neighbours agree to help them guard the inn. True / False (Jim and his mother’s neighbours do not want to help them guard the inn)

6. Jim’s mother takes all the money from the box in his room. True / False (Jim’s mother only takes the money they are owed from the box in the Captain’s room)

5. Put the events from Chapter 1 in the correct order.

a. 4 A blind man gives the Captain a note, then the Captain dies.
b. 3 The Captain chases a man with three fingers from the inn.
c. 1 A man with a scar on his face decides to stay at the Admiral Benbow inn.
d. 6 Jim takes the papers from the Captain’s box and walks towards the village.
e. 2 Visitors to the inn liked the stories that the Captain told them.
f. 5 Jim and his mother open the box inside the Captain’s room.

6. Read the quotations and answer the questions.

1. “He did not give us any more money for his room and my father did not dare to ask him for more.”
Why do you think Jim’s father didn’t dare ask the Captain for money?

His father was afraid to ask for more money.

2. “'I’ll only take the money which the Captain owes us,' my mother said, opening the bag."
What does this tell us about Jim’s mother?

Jim’s mother is an honest person.

3. "We stood up to leave, and I decided to take the papers from the box, too. We walked as quickly as we
could back towards the village, but as we walked, we heard the sound of people in the road behind us."
Who do you think the people are, and what do you think they want to do?

They are sailors who want the Captain’s box.