Lesson 2


1. Complete the crossword with the past simple form of the verbs.


1. gave

2. knew

6. found

8. thought

9. became

11. told

16. were

18. said


3. saw

4. came

5. left

7. went

10. understood

12. had

13. was

14. got

15. grew

17. took

19. made

20. did

2. Write questions in the present simple or past simple.

1. A: Is your brother tall? (brother / tall)?
B: Yes, he is.
2. A: Do you like soccer? (like / soccer)?
B: Yes, I do.
3. A: Where do you go on Saturday evenings? (where / go on Saturday evenings)?
B: We usually go to a restaurant for dinner.
4. A: What did your best friend eat yesterday? (what / best friend eat yesterday)?
B: She had a sandwich and some fruit.
5. A: Were you cute as a baby? (you / cute as a baby)?
B: Yes, I was.

3. Read the conversation. Use the verbs in brackets to complete the sentences with the present simple or past simple.

Fady: Hi Dina. 1 Did you (do) the English homework for today?
Dina: Yes, I did. Then 2 watched (watch) a documentary about lions. Have you heard of Dr. Leelah Hazzah?
Fady: Yes. She 3 lives (live) in Kenya, doesn't she?
Dina: That's right. She 4 works (work) with the Lion Guardians. They 5 help (help) the Maasai to protect their cattle and they protect lions at the same time.
Fady: 6 Was (be) the documentary on TV at 9pm?
Dina: Yes, that’s right. It was very interesting!
Fady: I 7 didn't see (not see) it but I think my father watched it because he was telling me about it in the car. My dad really 8 likes (like) lions.