
Treasure Island

1. Complete the sentences with the words in the box.


1. The cat climbed on the branch of the tree.
2. Soha is very ill. She must have caught a disease.
3. We saw a ship on the shore.
4. I believe anything my mother says. I trust her.
5. The coach blew his whistle to end the training.

2. Complete the time-line with these events from the story.

a. Jim joins some of the men on a small boat to the island. 4
b. Dr Livesy asks Jim to find out who they can trust. 2
c. Captain Smollett gave Long John Silver a map of the island. 1
d. Silver kills Tom because he doesn’t want to join his gang. 6
e. Jim tells his friends about Long John Silver’s terrible plan. 3
f. Jim jumps off the small boat and runs onto the island. 5


3. Match the numbers with what they refer to.

1. two, d. the number of low hills on the island
2. seven, c. the number of crew that Silver did not find
3. nineteen, b. the total number of crew on the ship
4. six, a. the number of men who stayed on the Hispaniola

4. Circle True or False and correct the false sentences.

1. It was the first time that Silver visited the island. True / False it wasn't the first time.

2. Jim did not believe what Silver told them. True / False

3. Captain Smollett wanted to take the ship back to England. True / False he said they must continue

4. The island was hot, quiet and smelled bad. True / False

5. Tom agreed to work with Silver’s men. True / False He refused to work with them.

5. Complete the sentences with these adjectives.


1. They could see two low hills and one big one on the island.
2. Silver was excited to take the map from Captain Smollett.
3. Jim told Dr Livesy that he had some terrible news.
4. Captain Smollett was surprised that the crew worked so hard.
5. Above the trees on the island were the rocky tops of the hills.
6. Jim felt frightened because he saw Silver kill a man.

7. Match to make collocations.

1. blow, e. a whistle
2. climb out of, a. a barrel
3. hold onto the, d. branch of a tree
4. mark something, b. on a map
5. spend the afternoon, c. on an island