
Treasure Island

1. Match the words and the definitions.

1 cannon, d. a large gun with wheels
2 contact, c. communicate with someone or something
3 defend, a. protect someone or something from being attacked
4 supplies, b. food, clothes etc. that you need to take with you for a period of time

2. Circle True or False and correct the false sentences.

1. This part of the story is told by Dr Livesy. True / False

2. They could not take the ship because it was too windy. True / False

They could not take the ship because there was no wind

3. Dr Livesy and Hunter find a strong building that 25 people could stay in. True / False

4. The men on the Hispaniola fire a cannon at the small boat. True / False

The men on the Hispaniola were preparing to fire the cannon but Dr Trelawney fired a gun at them.

5. Dr Livesy’s men all enter the fort and stay there safely. True / False

Redruth is killed before he can get inside the fort.

6. Jim Hawkins calls to them from outside the fort. True / False

3. Read the quotations and answer the questions.

1 "We have guns. If you try to contact Silver, you will be dead." They looked very surprised.
Why do you think the sailors were surprised?

The sailors didn’t think that they knew anything about Silver’s plan.

2 "Work hard, be patient, and we will arrive."
Why is their journey to the beach in a small boat difficult?

It is difficult for them to sail the boat. Pirates are chasing them and the men on the ship want to fire cannons at them.

3. "The gun fire continued, but it was almost impossible for them to hit anyone inside the fort."
Why was it almost impossible to hit anyone?

Because the fort gave them protection.

4. Match to make collocations.

1. attack, e. the men on the ship
2. climb into, a. a boat
3. fire, b. a gun
4. give, c. someone an advantage
5. put up, d. a flag

5. In this chapter, different people are doing different things at the same time. Match to make sentences to show who is doing what.

1. When Jim was travelling to the island, d. Dr Livesy talked to Captain Smollett and Mr Trelawney on the boat.

2. While Dr Livesy and Hunter were putting supplies in the boat, a. Captain Smollet and Mr Trelawney warned the sailors on the ship not to contact Silver.

3. While the boat was moving towards the beach, e. the men on the Hispaniola were preparing a cannon.

4. While they were running towards the fort, c. the pirates were running through the woods.

5. There were hiding in the fort when, b. they heard Jim Hawkins call out to them.

6. Find and correct the spelling mistakes in these sentences from the story.

1. When the boats went to the sure, I talked to Captain Smollett and Mr Trelawney.


2. There was no wind at all, so we new we could not take the ship.


3. When we reached the island, we found a small faught.


4. Then I herd a shout.


5. Their were more people and supplies now, so the boat was heavy.


6. The wind blue from a different direction, too.


7. Now write six correct sentences using each of the incorrect words from Exercise 6. You can use a dictionary.

1. Are you sure that you want to come to the park?
2. She wants a new phone.
3. They fought the battle on those hills.
4. A herd of sheep walked across the farm.
5. Their boat was heavy.
6. The sky was blue.