Lesson 6


1. Read the phrases in the box and write them in the correct column in the table.


Positive: be wise, encourage someone to do something.

Negative: behave badly, be guilty of something, be rude.

2. Match the phrases with their meanings.

1. Attack someone, b. Try to hurt someone
2. Disguise yourself, a. Change the way you look
3. The cart is pulling the horse, d. Things aren’t the way they should be
4. A taste of your own medicine, c. Experience what you do to others


3. Read this part of the play and match the characters with the things they do.


1. This character tells the king not to be angry with him and then tells his wife not to worry about the king Albany

2. This character gets angry with his daughter when she tells him that he shouldn’t keep so many soldiers King Lear

3. This character disguises himself so he can continue to work for the king Kent

4. This character works for Goneril and tries to tell the king that he can’t see her Oswald

5. This character didn’t want to see her father, but then she talks to him about the number of soldiers he has with him Goneril