Lesson 2


3. Listen again and answer the questions.

1. Where is Mariam doing her course?

Mariam is doing her course at a sports centre.

2. What will Mariam get after she’s completed fifty hours of lessons?

Mariam will get a certificate.

3. What techniques is Mariam learning at the start of her first course?

She is learning simple techniques like how to put a bandage on someone.

4. What doesn’t Mariam need to learn at the moment?

She doesn’t need to learn how to perform CPR.

5. What are the two reasons Mariam gives for enjoying the course.

They are useful (you learn by doing, not by sitting at a desk) and fun.

4. Listen again. Choose the phrases you hear.

1. I must / have to go to at least fifty hours of lessons.

2. Then I’ll get / I’ll be getting my first certificate.

3. At the start, you need to / don’t need to learn simple things like how to put a bandage on someone.

4. You have to / don’t have to know how to perform CPR, for example.

5. I’m sure I’ll take / I’ll be taking courses for the next few years so I can learn as much as possible.

6. You mustn’t / don’t need to sit at a desk and read books to learn.