Lesson 1


1. Use the words below to complete the definitions.


1. sigh: a deep breath out that shows you are tired, sad or disappointed.

2. mean: not happy to spend money or give anything to other people.

3. beg: to ask for something in a way that shows you need it very much.

4. pile: a group of things put on top of each other.

2. Complete the sentences with mean or fire.

1. Does that photo mean a lot to you?

2. The race starts when you fire the gun.

3. I’m sure Taha didn’t mean to upset you.

4. He doesn’t work, so his boss will fire him.

5. I don’t understand. What do you mean ?


4. Read the text again and answer the questions.

1. Why does Bob Cratchit want to go home?

He was cold.

2. Why won’t Scrooge let Bob Cratchit go home?

He hasn't finished all his work.

3. Who comes to visit Scrooge?

His nephew.

4. How are Scrooge and his nephew different?

Scrooge is rich and his nephew is poor;

Scrooge is sad and nasty and his nephew is friendly and happy.

5. Why does Scrooge think his nephew has come to visit him?

To ask for money.

6. Why has his nephew actually come to visit him?

To invite Scrooge to dinner.