R2: King Lear


1. Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d.

1. Nurses need to have a lot of ......... so they can be kind to people.

a anger

b beauty

c patience

d power

2. I think I will ..... mad if I need to do this again.

a talk

b send

c come

d go

3. A ........ is a small building with only one room.

a castle

b palace

c hut

d boat

4. I ......... to Eman because I was late meeting her at the café.

a told

b apologised

c persuaded

d said

5. My father wanted to stay at home, but then he .......... his mind and came with us.

a made

b put

c got

d changed

6. I lost my key, so I was locked ......... of our house until my mum came home.

a out

b under

c into

d off

7. I had to walk because there was no .......... for me in the car.

a room

b chair

c time

d move

8. We’ll order food when Hisham .......... here.

a goes

b finds

c gets

d sends

9. It was dark, so we used a ........ to see where we were going.

a cart

b mouse

c torch

d sword

10. The ferry will arrive at the ......... at half past seven.

a park

b port

c field

d road

11. Please don’t turn your ........ on me.

a side

b head

c front

d back

12. We had to ........ in a shop when it started to rain.

a cover

b shelter

c find

d exit


2. Match the people (a–h) with the sentences (1–8).

a. Cordelia, 1. is living in France now.
b. Edgar, 7. says his name is Poor Tom.
c. Edmund, 2. lies to his father about his brother.
d. The Fool, 5. tries to make the king happier with jokes.
e. Goneril, 3. comes to her sister’s home.
f. Kent, 6. finds somewhere for the king to stay in the storm.
g. King Lear, 8. agrees to go into the hut with Poor Tom.
h. Regan, 4. wants her father to leave with her sister.

3. Answer the questions.

1. Why does Edmund pretend to fight his brother, Edgar?

a to protect his father

b to make Edgar look bad

2. What will happen to anyone who helps Edgar to hide?

a He/She will get a reward.

b He/She will be arrested.

3. Who put Kent in the stocks?

a Goneril and Albany

b Regan and Cornwall

4. Why won’t Goneril apologise to King Lear?

a She doesn’t think she’s done anything wrong.

b She wants to make King Lear angry.

5. Why does Cornwall want to go inside?

a He can see a storm coming.

b He feels cold and tired.

6. What has the King of France sent to England?

a his wife b an army

b an army

7. Where has Gloucester put the letter he received?

a in his dining room

b in his bedroom

8. Why does King Lear say that he is poor?

a Because his daughters have been cruel.

b Because he is cold and hungry.

9. Who says that Poor Tom is a philosopher?

a Gloucester

b King Lear

4. Read the quotations and answer the questions.


He has no money, so he has fewer people to help him. But I’ll be faithful to him; the Fool will always stay, and let the wise men run away.

a Who is the Fool talking about? King Lear.
b Why will the Fool stay with him? He is loyal and wants to protect the King.


He’s fighting with the wind and the rain. This terrible night would make a bear hide in a cave, but the king is running around outside without even a hat.

a Why is King Lear outside in a storm? His daughters will not allow him to bring his soldiers and servants with him if he stays with them.
b How does King Lear feel about his daughters? He is angry with his daughters.


I’m not surprised Lear is mad. His daughters want him to die. Ah, that good man, Kent! He knew what would happen – the poor man!

a Who are the two people that Gloucester is talking to? Edgar and Kent.
b Who does Gloucester think he’s talking to? Poor Tom and a peasant.