
1. Complete the crossword with words from Act II, Scene iii and Act III, Scene i.
Use the clues to help you.

1. A synonym for ‘space’, e.g. There isn’t enough space for everyone in the car. room

2. People who collect information secretly. spies

3. The action of saying sorry. apologise

4. Two times the quantity of something. double

5. Something you need so that you do not get angry. patience

6. A situation where people have different opinions. disagreement

7. A place that will protect you from bad weather. shelter

8. Something you tell others to make them laugh. jokes

2. Complete the sentences with the words from Exercise 1.

1. I had a disagreement with my brother yesterday and we’re not talking now.
2. Stop buying clothes! You haven’t got any more room in your wardrobe.
3. I apologise for posting that photo of you. I didn’t realise it would make you angry.
4. That tech company used spies to discover what the competition was doing.
5. You need a lot of patience with this APP. It takes ages to open!
6. While walking in the hills, we had to find shelter due to the storm.
7. My new phone has double the amount of memory as my last one.
8. Have you seen this website? It has loads of jokes which are really funny!

3. Complete the collocations with the words in the box.


1. If you ‘turn your back on someone’, it means you ignore them.
2. If someone ‘locks you out ’, it means you cannot enter a place.
3. If you ‘set eyes on someone’, it means you see them, often for the first time.
4. If you ‘go mad. ’, it means you get angry or lose your mind.

4. Are these sentences true (T) or false (F). Correct the false sentences.

1. King Lear is happy to stay with his daughter Goneril. False. King Lear does not want to stay with Goneril.

2. Regan wants her father to stay in her house. False. She wants him to stay with her sister.

3. Both daughters want their father to abandon his soldiers. True

4. There is a disagreement between King Lear and his daughters. True

5. Regan stopped her father from returning to her house. True

6. King Lear is wearing clothes to protect him from the rain. False. He isn’t wearing suitable clothing, not even a hat.

7. The Duke of Kent tells the soldier to take the King to a shelter. False. He tells him to go to Dover.

8. The King of France is planning an attack. True