Lesson 1


1. Complete the conversation with the words and phrases from the Focus on Vocabulary box. Then listen and check.

Ahmed: I hope you have a great time in England. Don’t worry if you (1) struggle with the course in the beginning. After a few weeks you’ll (2) get used to the lessons.
Adam: I’ll just do my best in the lessons. That’s all I can do. Did I tell you that the mother from my (3) host family is going to come and (4) pick my up from the airport when I arrive?
Ahmed: That’s great! So, you won’t be alone when you get there.
Adam: Exactly. But I don’t want them to take me everywhere and do everything for me. I want to be (5) independent while I’m in England.
Ahmed: Yes, that’s understandable. But it will be good to get some (6) encouragement if you feel like your English isn’t good enough or anything like that.
Adam: You’re right. I know that living and studying in England won’t be easy, but with a little bit of (7) determination I can do it.

2. Read the extract from The Secret Garden. Who is the main character and how does she spend her first day in England?

Marry Lennox: She spent the first day in her room and then in the gardens.

3. Read the extract again. Answer the questions.

1. Which two people does Mary talk to? the maid, Martha and the gardener.
2. What creature wants to be Mary’s friend? A bird.
3. How do you think Mary is feeling? Why? she's feeling bored because 'there is nothing to do', and she's feeling lonely because she dosen't 'know anyone in England'.
4. What big differences do you think Mary finds
between life in India and life in England? The season - it is winter in England, and it is very cold.

4. Read the extract again. Which underlined sentence or question is used for:

a. an activity that people do all the time? My brother is always exploring.
b. a temporary activity that is happening now? ' Why is he doing that?' ; 'Mrs Medlock's bell is ringing.'
c. a plan to do something at a specific time in the future? 'Are you going outside today?'
d. a current situation which is different to the past? 'nothing is growing now'.