Lesson 2


1. Listen to a talk show in which two people are having a debate and answer the questions.

1. Which problem do both Karima and Nadiya want to solve?

a. Improving our public transport networks so more people can use them.
b. Making vehicles and public transport more affordable in the future.
c. Getting people to travel in a more environmentally-friendly way.

2. Which solution does Karima suggest?

a. Driving cars less often and using public transport more often.
b. Stopping people from driving cars so they only use public transport.
c. Stopping the production of cars because it’s bad for the environment.

3. Which solution does Nadiya suggest?

a. Continuing to drive cars, but using environmentally-friendly cars instead.
b. Only driving environmentally-friendly cars when we need to.
c .Driving our own vehicles instead of buying driverless cars.

2. Listen to the talk show again. Are the sentences true (T) or false (F)? Correct the false sentences.

1. Nadiya works for a company that makes electric cars. T
2. Karima says that car production is bad for the environment. F. She says the dangerous gases that produce are bad for the environment.
3. Nadiya thinks that the price of electric cars will be lower by 2030. T
4. The talk show host suggests that where people travel and the vehicles they use will change in the future. T
5. Karima isn’t sure if everyone will understand the importance of protecting the environment in the future. F. She says everyone will have realised that protecting the environment is the most important thing.


3. Read the sentences from the talk show below and answer the questions.

1. Do we know exactly when the actions will happen in the future? No.
2. Which words can introduce the time when we expect an action to be completed? by,in.

4. Complete the sentences with the future perfect form of the verbs in brackets and by, before or in.

1. I will have read (read) all of the books on the list before/by the end of the year.
2. Mahmoud will have got (get) a good job in Cairo by the time he’s twenty-five years old.
3. We will not/won't have watched (not watch) all of this television series by the end of the weekend.
4. In one year, I will have improved (improve) my English enough to have a longer conversation with someone.
5. Do you think you will have learned/learnt (learn) to drive in five years’ time?
6. I think they will not/won't have finished (not finish) all of their homework before school starts tomorrow.