Lesson 6

Before you start

Go back and skim the play. Discuss these questions in pairs.

1. How does Lear think Gloucester can see without his eyes? He thinks he can see with his ears.
2. Who tries to help Gloucester? Edgar.
3. What does Cordelia think about her sisters’ behaviour? She thought that they have treated him like an animal.


1. Match the words and phrases to their definitions.

1. sense c. something that people can understand.
2. battle e. a fight between two armies.
3. stage b. an area where actors perform.
4. drum a. a musical instrument you play by hitting it.
5. creep up d. come close to someone, secretly.

2. Complete the sentences using the words and phrases in the box.

lesson 6(7)

1. The prisoner escaped from the police station and disappeared!
2. Please take out your books and read page 10.
3. I can’t understand this story. It’s nonsense.
4. He was tempted to eat the last piece of cake, but he didn’t.
5. The judge decided to send the criminals to prison for their crime.
6. I hadn’t seen her for years and so I didn’t recognise her.


3. Who is the speaker of each quotation? Who are they speaking to and why do they say it?

lesson 6(8)

1 “I must clean it first.” King lear (he is talking to Gloucester about his hand because he thinks it is dirty).
2. “Oh, what a sad day this is!” Gloucester (he is talking to Lear and is sad about the events).
3. “Why are you helping a traitor?” Oswald (he is talking to Edgar who is triyng to defend his father).
4. “I’ll take you to a friend’s house.” Edgar (he is talking to Gloucester about taking him to his friend's house where he'll be safe).
5. “He’s slept for a long time.” Doctor (he is talking to Cordelia about the king because the king is ill.
6. “You know what’s best for him.” Cordelia (she is speaking to the doctor and she is agreeing with him).

4. Answer these questions.

1. What does King Lear want Gloucester to read for him? A letter.
2. Why does King Lear want a doctor? Because he says his head is not right.
3. Who is Oswald carrying letters for? Edmund, the Duke of Gloucester.
4. Who are the letters from? They are from Goneril.
5. What does Cordelia ask Kent to do? She asks him to put on some better clothes.