Lesson 1


1. In pairs, match the words to the pictures.

lesson 1(21)


A. horror.

B. science fiction.

C. romantic.

D. animation.

E. musical.

F. action.

G. historical.

H. comedy.


2. Listen and tick the types of films Seleem mentions.


action films

science fiction

historical films




3. Listen again. Choose the correct word or phrase to complete the sentences.

1. The interviewer likes action / animation films.
2. Black Panther was / wasn’t liked by everyone.
3. Seleem rarely watches films about history / true life.
4. Two / Three of the films Seleem mentions are true stories.
5. Seleem says that Tom Hanks makes marvellous / different films.
6. Seleem thinks the interviewer’s choice of film is surprising / not surprising.

4. Complete the sentences with the correct tag question.

1. My brother isn’t here, is he?
2. Karim and Ali love comedy films, don't they?
3. The children haven’t finished yet, have they?
4. Alice arrived late, didn't she?
5. He can’t swim, can he?