Lesson 6

Before you start

Go back and skim the scene. Discuss these questions in pairs.

1. What does Edmund think about his actions? He thinks he was wrong.
2. How many people are dead at the end of the scene? Five people: Goneril, Edmund, King Lear, Cordelia, Regan.


1. Replace the words or phrases in bold with the words and phrases in the box.

lesson 6(10)

1. Edmund says he will fight anyone who says he is an untruthful person a liar.
2. Albany tells Edmund that he will arrest him for wanting to kill the king treason.
3. Goneril says that the rules laws of the land belong to her.
4. The soldiers used carrying beds stretchers to move Goneril and Regan’s bodies.
5. Albany offers to give up his job resign and support the king.
6. Goneril tells Edmund that he was fooled tricked into fighting.
7. Albany tells Goneril not to destroy tear up the letter.

2. Find these two phrases in the text. What do they mean?

1. Edmund says that, ‘The wheel has come full circle’ because
A. he believes he started with no power, then had power and then lost it.
B. his brother was rich and then dressed as a poor person.
C. Edgar calls him a traitor and says he’s happy to work for everyone.

2. Kent says, ‘My heart is heavy’ because
A. the king recognises him.
B. King Lear is mad.
C. he is very sad.


3. Answer the questions with the names of the characters in the box.

lesson 6(11)

1. Who wants Edmund to fight? Regan.
2. Who believes they are a brave soldier? Edgar.
3. Who does Albany call ‘evil’? Goneril.
4. Who tells the Officer to hurry to stop the death of Lear and Cordelia? Albany.
5. Who does Lear finally recognise? Kent.

4. Answer these questions.

1. What does Albany say he will do to Edmund? He says he will arrest him.
2. Why does Regan feel ill? Because Goneril gave her some poison.
3. Whose blood is on the knife that the officer is carrying? Goneril's blood is on the knife.
4. How will the Captain know that Edmund has changed his mind? When the Captain receives Edmund's sword he'll know that Edmund changed his mind.
5. Why does Lear say everyone is a traitor and a murderer? Because Cordelia is dead and he thinks people should have saved her.
6. What does Albany promise to do for his friends? He promises to reward them.
7. Who rules the kingdom when Lear dies? Kent and Edgar rule.