Lesson 1


Look at these great sustainable products.

a. paper shopping bag. 2

b. bamboo cup. 5

c. energy-saving light bulb. 4

d. rechargeable batteries. 1

e. reusable shopping bag. 3


Find out what a carbon footprint is.

A carbon footprint is the amount of carben dioxide released into the atmosphere as a result of the activities of a particular person.


Look through the unit. What kind of project is happening on the Red Sea coast that helps the environment?

They are planting mangrove trees to help protect the coast.


1. Listen to Dalia and Reem. Which of the sustainable products on page 22 do they talk about?

They talk about reusable shopping bags, bamboo cups and energy saving light, bulbs.

2. Listen again and circle the correct answer.

1. Reem wants to use less paper / plastic.
2. Reem uses reusable water bottles / shopping bags now.
3. You can / can't usually recycle the cups that you get from coffee shops.
4. Reem has got a bamboo toothbrush / hairbrush.
5. Dalia and Reem have energy-saving light bulbs at school / home.
6. Dalia wants / doesn't want to give up her electric toothbrush.


3. Complete the sentences with used to or didn't use to and the verbs in brackets.

1. In the past, people didn't use to use (use) energy-saving light bulbs.

2. We used to waste water (waste) water, but now we try to save water.

3. I didn't use to have (have) an electric toothbrush, but now I've got one.

4. Mum used to get (get) plastic bags at the supermarket, but now she gets paper ones.

5. Dad didn't use to (turn off) his computer at night, but he does now.