Lesson 5


1. Discuss these questions in pairs.


1. Do you know the names of all the activities in the photos? Use a dictionary to help you.

a. star gazing.
b. bird watching.
c. hiking in the desert.
d. diving.
e. rock climbing.
f .canoeing.


2. Listen to three teenagers making arrangements. Which two of the activities from Exercise 1 do they talk about?

rock climbing, star gazing.

3. Listen again and answer the questions.

1. Why doesn't Amir want to go rock climbing this afternoon? There are two reasons. He thinks it is scary, he is helping his father with something.
2. Does Amir agree to go tomorrow? Yes, he does.
3. Why isn't Amir's brother going to the desert? He think he will get cold and bored.
4. When and where are they meeting tomorrow? They are meeting outside Amir's house at 10.30.

4. Listen again and put these phrases in the order that you hear them.

a. I'd love to ... 4

b. looks a bit scary to me! 1

c. he'd get cold and bored! 5

d. I've always wanted to learn ... 2

e. I think it sounds really exciting! 6

f. It might be fun. 3