Lesson 2


1. Circle the correct words.

1. If you fail/ pass an exam, you will feel disappointed.
2. If you fail / pass an exam, you will feel proud.
3. Students need to decide / take what job they want to do.


3. Listen to Fares and Nevine talking about their future plans. What jobs do they hope to do?

1. Fares: Manager of the family shop.

2. Nevine: Doctor.

4. Listen again. Answer the questions. Write F (Fares) or N (Nevine).

1. Who changed how he/she felt about studying? F
2. Who wants to study in another country? N
3. Who will work in the family shop? F
4. Who decided which job he/she wanted to do when he/she was a child? N
5. Who wants his/her family to be proud?...... F
6. Who wants to go to university?...... N
7. Who thinks it is going to be difficult to do the job he/she wants to do?.. N
8. Who will need to study a lot of subjects? F


5. Complete the text with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.

When I was (be) young, I wanted (want) to be a scientist. Now I find science very difficult so I don't think I will be (be) a scientist! I'm not really sure what I want to do, but my family are always telling me that school is (be) very important and I need to study hard. I know I want to travel so I will learn (learn) lots of languages. Next year, I am starting/am going to start (start) French classes. am going to take/am taking (take) the exam to go to secondary school and I hope I will pass (pass)!