Lesson 2


1. Read the article about a shop and choose the correct words.

(1) On/ At Monday, an excitingnew shop is opening in the city centre. The Eco Shop only sells things that are (2) environment-friendly / environment-friend.

Last week, we (3) are talking / talked to the owner, Mariam El-Soory, about her new shop. “Lots of people want to help the environment but it is sometimes difficult to know what to buy. We (4) are working / were working with lots of people to help local industries, too. So were going to sell local fruit and vegetables.

(5) luxury, Egyptian cotton / Egyptian, cotton luxury clothes and other local things that don’t damage the environment. You can also bring glass, plastic and paper to the shop for recycling. We will also have cookingand sewing classes at the shop soon”.

Marian (6) worked / works for many years as a guide at a beach. She was sad because she (7) is seeing / saw a lot of plastic bags used for things from other countries on the beach. When she (8) picked / was picking up some rubbish one day, she decided she (9) wanted / is wanting to do more to help the environment and had the idea of a shop.

The shop is having an opening party , (10) on / at 1pmin three days’ time.

2. Read the article again and answer the questions.

1. What is the name of the shop? The Eco Shop.
2. How will it help local industries? It will sell local fruit and vegetables, luxuray, Egyptian cotton and other local things.
3. What other ways will it help the environment? It only sells things that are environment-friendly. You can recycle glass, plastic and paper.
4. What can people learn how to do at her shop? People can learn how to cook and sew.
5. What made Mariam decide to open her shop? She saw a lot of plastic bags used for things from other countries on the beach.