Lesson 1


1. Complete the crossword.


2. Your mum or dad’s sister. aunt
5. Your mum or dad’s mother. grandmother
6. Your brother is your parent’s. son
7. Your mum or dad’s brother. uncle


1. Your sister is your parent’s … daughter
3. Your mum and dad are your.... parent
4. Your aunt and uncle’s child. cousin


Listen and complete the text with possessive adjectives.

Hi! My name’s Lara and this is 1 my family. That’s my brother.
2 His name’s Ayman. Lina and Hatem are 3 our parents.
We have one cousin, Khadeeja. 4 Her parents are my uncle
and aunt. 5 Their names are Imad and Dina. What about you?
What’s 6 your name?


Complete the sentences with subject pronouns and object pronouns.

1. It’s her car. She often drives it.
2. Throw the ball to me please. I am waiting.
3. Our parents are proud of us because we work hard at school.
4. Can I have my pen, please?
5. Grandfather arrives at 5 o’clock. Let’s go to meet him.
6. Clap for the football players. They played very well.