Lesson 1


What is the difference between a girl’s school and a girls’ school?

A girl’s school = the school of one girl.
A girls’ school = a school for girls only.


Look through the unit. Can travelling to school sometimes be dificult?

Yes, sometimes it can be difficult.


1. Look at Amal and Injy’s timetable and answer the questions.


1. How many lessons do they have every day?

They have eight (and seven on Thursdays).

2. What subjects do they study?

Arabic, Social Studies, Maths, Science, English, Religion, Home Economics, Art, Computer Studies (also Music, Drama).

2. Listen and complete the timetable.


Sunday: Art.
Monday: Religion, Arabic, Home Economics, Computer Studies, Music.
Tuesday: Drama.
Wednesday: Drama.
Thursday: Social Studies, English, Science.

3. Listen again and answer the questions.

1. What is Injy’s favourite subject? Science
2. Does Injy like Art? Yes, she does.
3. Is she good at it? No, she isn’t.
4. What day is it today? Sunday.


4. Say the times. Listen and check.


1 A quarter past ten or Ten fifteen.
2 Half past twelve or Twelve thirty.
3 Half past five or Five thirty.
4 Twenty-five past seven or Seven twenty-five.
5 Five to twelve or Eleven fifty-five.
6 A quarter to nine or Eight forty-five.