Review B

1. Listen and match each speaker with what they are doing.

a 3 giving instructions

b 4 talking about a holiday

c 1 responding to news

d 5 giving advice

e 2 ordering food

2. Listen again and circle the correct answer.

1. Speaker one has tickets for a football match / play.

2. Speaker two wants a small / large orange juice.

3. Speaker three says you shouldn’t add too much water / sugar.

4. Speaker four ran / swam every day on her holiday.

5. Speaker five wants her children to wear sunglasses / a hat.

3. Read the email and complete Judy’s shopping list.

Hi Judy,
The family party is on Saturday. There are ten people.
Can you help me and buy the shopping?
Five people like fish. Five people like chicken. The children like fizzy drinks, but they aren’t healthy.
So, we can have orange juice.
Four bottles is enough for the children.
We can all drink water, so we need eight bottles. Buy some tea, too, please.
Please go to the shops and then check we have enough chairs.
Many thanks

1. fish
2. chicken
3. 4 bottles of orange juice
4. 8 bottles of water
5. tea

4. Judy lost Mona’s email. She went to the shops and tried to remember what to buy. Now she is at home. Write sentences with (not) enough, too much or too many.

1. There are eight chairs.

There are not enough chairs.

2. There is chicken for three people.

There is not enough chicken.

3. There is one bottle of water.

There is not enough water.

4. There is fish for seven people.

There is too much fish.

5. There are eight bottles of orange juice.

There are too many bottles of orange juice.

6. There is a box of tea for ten people.

There is enough tea for everyone.

5. Complete the sentences with the correct words in the box.


1. I can’t see my best friend because he is behind me in the classroom.

2. We love this chicken and rice. It is delicious!

3. The children went to the beach and made a sandcastle.

4. You shouldn’t eat those crisps because they are unhealthy.

5. My little brother didn’t like that story. He said it was scary.

6. Complete the sentences with the correct past simple form of the verbs in the box.


1. In our lesson this morning, we looked at a website and talked about what we found.

2. I didn’t send you a photo of our hotel because my phone didn’t work.

3. When did you make a video call to your cousins in Canada?

4. She tapped on the icon and then wrote an email.

5. The tourist took a selfie in front of the Pyramids.

7. What are the people doing? Complete the sentences.


Look at these photos of my holiday. This is my family. We 1 are having a picnic on the beach.
That is my little sister. She 2 is making a sandcastle. That is my big brother. He 3 is riding a bike.
Look at my cousins! They 4 are swimming in the sea. In this photo, my uncle 5 is climbing a mountain. And that is me! I 6 am sleeping in a tent.