Lesson 3


2. Complete the sentences with a word from the box. Use a dictionary if necessary.

words 3

1. A terrible event, such as an earthquake, is a/an natural disaster.

2. The countryside is the area outside a city, where there are farms and lots of nature.

3. A/An charity helps people who are poor, sick or don't have a home.

4. A/An volunteer is someone who works for no money to help people.

5. If you are proud of someone, you feel pleased with them. This is because you think that they are or have done something very good.

6. A/An emergency is something serious or dangerous that you need to do something about.

Listening and speaking

3. Listen to Yasser talking about his family history and answer the questions.

1. Which person in his family is Yasser talking about?

He is talking about his great grandfather.

2. What job did the person do?

He was a doctor.

4. Listen again. Complete the sentences.

1. Yasser was doing a school project on someone in his family.

2. Yasser's great grandfather lived in the countryside.

3. He was a volunteer for the Red Crescent.

4. He helped when there was a disaster or a health emergency .

5. Yasser is very proud of his great grandfather.


6. When Yasser was researching his family history, he found out some other interesting information.

Complete the sentences with used to or didn’t use to.

1. Yasser's grandmother used to work in a hospital.

2. Before Yasser's dad got married, he did not used to (not) live in Cairo.

3. Yasser's uncle used to live in Tunisia.

4. When Yasser's mum was a child, she used to play the piano every day.

5. Before Yasser's grandfather had children, he did not used to (not) know how to drive a car.


7. Work in pairs and make sentences about the people in the pictures using used to.

They used to have a small car. They didn’t use to have a big car. They used to wear different colours.

They didn’t use to have children. The man didn’t use to have a beard and the woman used to have longer hair.

8. Complete these questions for your partner about when he/she was ten.

1. When you were ten, did you use to live in a different house?

2. Did you use to have any different hobbies?

3. Did you use to walk to school?

4. Did you use to have the same friends?