Lesson 6


1. Read Hassan’s blog and answer the questions.

1. How much time did Hassan’s class spend on this project?

three days.

2. What kind thing did Hassan do for somebody in his familly?

He bought his grandmother some of her favourite cakes.

3. What did he do for a stranger?

He took a sandwich and a cold drink for an old man in the street.

4. Which other people did he help?

He let some younger students go into the canteen ahead of him at school.

5. What does he think about the project?

He thinks it’s fantastic.

2. Read the blog again and complete the following information.

1. Expressions for putting things in order: first, after that, finally, secondly, next, then

2. Words to talk about what people felt or did: happy, surprised, gave me a big smile, fantastic, pleased

3. Expressions to give your opinion: in my opinion, I feel that, I think that