Lesson 1


1. Listen to two reports on a radio news programme for students. Which of the photos on page 54 are they talking about?

Photos 1, 3 and 5 (rubbish, air pollution and water pollution).

2. Listen again and circle the correct words.

1. The volunteers are finding more/ less rubbish than before.
2. They want the schools / people who live in the city to help.
3. Alexandria has new electric trains / buses.
4. People hope there will be less air / water pollution in the city.


3. Complete the sentences with the adjectives in the box to make comparatives.


1. The canal is more polluted than jt was before.

2. The volunteers want to make the canal cleaner.

3. The electric buses in Alexandria cause less air pollution so they are greener than the old buses

4. People think that the seats on the new buses are more comfortable than the old buses.


4. Work in pairs and compare the following. Use the adjectives in the box or your own ideas.


1. bikes / cars

Bikes are greener than cars.

Cars are more comfortable than bikes.

Cars are noisier than bikes.

Bikes are quieter than cars.

2. the city /the countryside

The city is more interesting than the countryside.

The countryside is more attractive than the city.

3. Africa / Europe

Africa is hotter and larger than Europe.

4. reading /watching TV

Reading is more relaxing than watching TV.

Watching TV is more interesting than reading.