Lesson 3


1. Complete the sentences.

1. On a typical day, Reem gets up, goes to school and then helps her mother in hir shop.

2. Hassan forgot to bring any food for the picnic, but we can share our food.

3. I live in a city, but my grandparents live in a small village in the country.

4. In England, a farmer doesn't need to feed his goats in the summer, as they can find their own food in the mountains.

5. My uncle has a tap in his garden and he uses it to water his plants every evening.


2. Match to make questions.

1. Has your father, d. got a computer?

2. What have you got, a. in your bag?

3. Shall I help you, e. carry your books?

4. Can i have, b. a glass of water, please?

5. Shall we go to, c. the beach tomorrow?

3. Choose the correct word. Then role-play the dialogue.

Ali: This is a nice restaurant. shall/ Do we eat here, Hassan?

Hassan: Yes, that's a good idea.

Waiter: Good evening. Where would you like to sit?

Ali: can/ Do we sit next to the window?

Waiter: Of course. What would you like to eat?

Hassan: Have you get/ Do you get any fish today?

Waiter: Yes, we've got fish with rice or fish with potato chips.

Ali: We'd like fish with rice, please.

Waiter: Do/ Shall I bring you some water?

Hassan: Thank you.

4. Read the answers to some questions. Write the questions.

1. Have you got any cousins? Yes, I have five cousins. They live in Alexandria.

2. Shall we go to the park? Yes, that's a good idea. Let's go to the park tomorrow.

3. Can I have an ice cream? No, you can't. ice-cream is not good for you.

4. Has your father got a car? Yes, my father's got a blue car.