Review A

1. Listen and label the picture with the correct names (you do not need to label all the people in the picture).



1. Azza

2. Randa

3. Ola

5. Lamia

4. Hana

6. Miss Badria

2. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in brackets.

1. Amir is carrying the eggs carefully because he doesn't want to drop them (carry/careful).

2. The train is going fast so that it doesn't arrive late (go/fast).

3. Huda and Fareeda are studying hard because they have an English test next week (study/hard).

4. Nabila is talking to her friend quietly because they are working in a library (take/quiet).

5. Osama is winning the tennis game easily because his brother is only four (win/easy).

6. In this photo, I am lying on the beach lazily because it is very hot (lie/lazy).

3. Match the news with the correct expressions.

1. I got 20 out of 20 in the maths test. e. Well done.

2. I can't find my bag. I'm so worried. d. Don't worry, I'll help you look for it.

3. My sister is ill. a. I'm sorry to hear that. I hope she gets better soon.

4. I didn't pass my exam. b. That's a pity, but I'm sure you will pass next time.

5. I think we are all heroes. f. I'm not sure what you mean.

6. My father is taking me on trip to Dubai. c. That's great news, You will have a wonderful time.

4. Make sentences about Samira's week using the information and the words below.



1. Samir usually does homework in the evening.

2. He never gets up late.

3. He often plays football with his friends.

4. He always reads a book in bed.

5. He sometimes watches TV.

6. Complete the table with these words.


Adjectives places jobs
attractive block of flats call- centre worker
large farm computer engineer
proud prison street-food seller