Lesson 3


2. Match the words from the explanation with their meanings.

1. boost, c. help someone or something to improve or get better
2. cell, e. the smallest separate part of a plant or animal
3. immune system, d. a way that your body protects you from disease
4. organ, b. a part of your body that performs a job, e.g. the brain or heart
5. virus, a. a very small living thing that causes disease

3. Listen again. Are the sentences true (T) or false (F)? Correct the false ones.

1. The immune system can react when there is a virus in the body. T
2. COVID-19 first appeared at the end of 2020. F, It appeared at the end of 2019.
3. People with strong immune systems get ill more often. F, People with strong immune systems get ill less often.
4. Eating vegetables with green leaves helps our immune system. T
5. We have to run a lot every day to help our immune system. F, You don’t have to run a lot every day to help your immune system, but you need to stay as active as possible.
6. If you get enough sleep, your immune system will work better. T


5. Work in pairs. Read the information about a friend who wants to boost his/her immune system. Make notes on the things the friend could do.

The friend could:
eat more fruit and vegetables, especially
vegetables with green leaves.
be more active.
get more sleep.