Lesson 2


1. Listen to an interview with Dr Parker, an expert on the rainforests in Borneo. Tick (T) the things that Dr Parker explains.

1. What a rainforest is T
2. Where Borneo is T
3. Which animals and plants are in the rainforest in Borneo
4. What has happened to Borneo’s weather recently T
5. When people started to destroy the rainforest in Borneo
6. Why people are destroying the rainforest in Borneo T

2. Listen to the interview again. Answer the questions.

1. What is special about the rainforest in Borneo?

It’s one of the oldest rainforests in the world.

2. How is the island of Borneo changing?

It’s getting hotter and there is less rain.

3. According to Dr Parker, why are people damaging the rainforest in Borneo?

To grow crops and keep livestock.

4. According to Dr Parker, what is her organisation going to do to help the farmers?

Use sustainable farming techniques.


4. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verb in brackets: future simple or future continuous. Sometimes both forms are correct.

1. I got a summer job working on a farm! I will start/will be starting (start) next month.
2. We think that our school will serve/will be serving (serve) more delicious meals next year.
3. Work on the new sports field will begin (begin) next Sunday.
4. In four hours’ time, I will be relaxing (relax) by the swimming pool.
5. Who do you think will win (win) the football match this afternoon?
6. I can’t imagine that we will be eating (eat) seaweed in Egypt in twenty years’ time!