R1: King Lear


1. Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d.

1. The ........ of Kent was a powerful person in England.

a King

b title

c kingdom

d Duke

2. When you have a ......... to do something, you must do it.

a scene

b disguise

c title

d duty

3. If you did something bad, then you are .......... of doing it.

a guilty

b angry

c rude

d honest

4. A ........ is something you can use to cut things or fight people.

a stick

b cart

c sword

d gun

5. When someone ......... your heart, they hurt your feelings and make you unhappy.

a breaks

b deserves

c sends

d succeeds

6. Many old people are ........... because they have more experience than young people do.

a rude

b wise

c honest

d foolish

7. That house was his ....... when his parents died.

a title

b kingdom

c inheritance

d disguise

8. If you are a/an ......., it is your job to do things to help someone else.

a king

b servant

c enemy

d duke

9. King Lear decides to give his........ to his daughters.

a duke

b title

c kingdom

d sword

10. ........ is very important to me, so I want friends who will always stand by my side.

a Loyalty

b Inheritance

c Riches

d Beauty

11. Edmund wants his father to believe something that isn’t true, so he ......... him.

a attacks

b deserves

c deceives

d succeeds

12. King Lear thinks that Goneril will have a taste of her own ........ if her child is cruel to her.

a riches

b loyalty

c inheritance

d medicine


2. Match the things that happen in Act 1 (1–5) with the reasons why they happen (a–e).

1. King Lear decides not to give Cordelia a third of his kingdom because, c. he’s trying to get a large inheritance.
2. The King of France asks Cordelia to be his wife because, a. he loves her more now that she is poor.
3. Edmund gives his father a letter which he says is from his brother Edgar because, c. he’s trying to get a large inheritance.
4. Edmund tells his brother Edgar that their father is angry with him because, e. he wants his brother to go away so he can get more money.
5. Kent disguises himself in different clothes because, b. he wants to continue working for King Lear as his servant.

3. Choose the correct word to complete the sentence.

1. Goneril is King Lear’s ........daughter.

a oldest

b youngest

2. Cordelia tells her father that she is young but .........

a clever

b honest

3. Kent tells King Lear that he is not afraid to make the king .........

a angry

b cruel

4. Cordelia believes that everyone discovers the ........ in the end.

a loyalty

b truth

5. Edmund says that he ........ the letter that he shows his father.

a found

b sent

6. Edmund tells his brother to take his ........ with him if he goes out.

a sword

b trust

7. Oswald is a ........

a duke

b servant

8. The Fool thinks that King Lear will want ........ back one day.

a everything

b to go

4. Read the quotations and answer the questions.

1. I must speak honestly when my king is being foolish. Your youngest daughter does not shout about her love for you, but that doesn’t mean she loves you the least.

a. What do you think Kent thinks about King Lear at this point of the story?

Kent thinks the King is being foolish.

b. How does King Lear react to Kent’s advice and what does this tell us about him?

King Lear gets angry and tells Kent to leave. This tells us he is stubborn and doesn’t want to listen to reason.

2. My brother and father trust me, which makes them easy to deceive. I need these two fools to make my plan work.

a. What is Edmund’s plan?

Edmund wants to trick his father and his brother.

b. What does his brother, Edgar, think has happened?

Edgar thinks someone has lied about him.

3. If he’s unhappy, he can stay with my sister. The foolish old man still wants to have the power that he’s given away!

a. Who says this?


b. How do people behave differently with King Lear now he has less power?

They do not respect him.