Lesson 4


1. Put the conversation in the correct order.

a. Adam: Let’s start with the UK. It is thought that the British have the most unhealthy traditional breakfast. They have fried eggs, beans, toast and fried meat. 3
b. Adam: As you probably know, people eat very different things for breakfast around the world. 1
c. Shady: That sounds nice, but for me, I’m happy with my usual breakfast of bread, cheese and an egg! One piece of bread would be too little. 6
d. Adam: I understand that the French have a much smaller breakfast: just a croissant or piece of bread. 5
e. Shady: Yes, they do. In my opinion, breakfast is the best meal of the day. What do people eat in other countries? 2
f. Shady: Personally, I wouldn’t want to eat such a big meal in the morning. What about the French? 4


2. Choose the correct words and then complete the sentences with the correct form of the adjectives in brackets.

1. As/While you probably know, Cairo is the biggest (big) city in Egypt and one of the largest (large) cities in Africa.
2. Personal/Personally, I hate travelling by bus. Trains are much more comfortable (comfortable)
3. It is believing/believed that Wellington in New Zealand is the windiest (windy) city in the world.
4. For/From me, the beaches on the Red Sea are the best (good) in Egypt.
5. It is thought/thinking that the weather will get hotter (hot) in most countries because of climate change.
6. I understand/belief that the hotel on the beach will be made much larger (large) next year.
7. In my thought/opinion, April is the nicest (nice) month of the year.

3. Complete these sentences with one of the expressions that introduce a general belief from Exercise 1. Sometimes more than one answer is possible.

1. As you probably know/It is believed that/It is thought that people who smoke are less healthy and more likely to become ill when they are older.
2. As you probably know/It is believed that/It is thought that it is not a good idea to eat a very large meal before you go to bed.
3. I understand that British people like to have milk with their tea.
4. As you probably know/It is believed that/It is thought that/I understand that it is better for you if you don’t eat too much red meat.