Lesson 3


1. Listen and read the text quickly. Choose the correct answer.

a The English language has remained unchanged for two thousand years.
b French people can all speak English.
c The English language has changed many times.

2. Read the text again. Are these sentences true (T) or false (F)? Correct the false sentences in your notebook.

1. The English language came from the Romans two thousand years ago. F, The English language came from Germany when people called Angles and Saxons arrived about 500 years later.

2. The Angles and the Saxons came from Germany. T

3. The French added more words to the English language than the Vikings. T

4. The word house is a French word. F, It is an English word mansion is French.

5. We can't use old words for new technology. F, We often reuse old words from the past to make new ones to describe technology.


3. Complete the grid with words from the text.

un- re- mis-
unlike reuse unmisusing
-less -er -able
endless speaker recognisable