Lesson 3


1. Choose the correct word from the box to complete the sentences.


1. A friend was showing strange behaviour online today.
2. I haven’t updated my online profile for ages.
3. Social media sites usually ask for your date of birth when you register.
4. It isn't sensible to include a lot of personal information on your profile on social media.
5. Emojis are symbols which represent feelings.


2 Listen to a conversation between Hanan and Leila discussing social media. Choose the best summary of the conversation.

a The friends agree that it is good to share photos with friends online.
b The friends agree that you should be careful what photos you post online.
c The friends disagree about the type of photos you should post online.

3. Listen again and answer the questions.

1. What does Hanan have as her profile photo?

Her Cat.

2. What does Hanan worry might happen in the future?

In a few years’ time, the company she works for might look at her social media profile.

3. What could happen to an employee if their company sees an unsuitable post?

The employee could be fired.

4. What problem did Hany have as a result of one post?

He experienced bad behaviour.

5. What photo does Leila decide to use?

She decides to use a photo of her dog.

4. Listen again and decide who said what. Write H for Hanan or L for Leila.

1 H I know what you mean. H

2 Anyway, as I was saying, … H

3 But getting back to … L

4 I see your point, but … L

5 I disagree. H

6 I agree, .... H