Lesson 3


1. Read about Sara and Amani’s jobs and answer the questions.

1. What do Amani and Sara’s jobs have in common?

They are both engineers; they both made great achievements.

2. What skills do you think you need to do these jobs?

Maths and computer skills, critical thinking, creativity, communication, reasoning.

3. What do you think ‘Swarm Robotics’ means?

Swarm Robotics: coordination of multiple robots working together to perform a task.


2. Listen to the interview. Who is the interviewer speaking to, Sara or Amani?


3. Listen again and write the questions the interviewer asks in your notebook. Then tell your partner what questions you heard. Do you have the same questions?

How did you get into working with robots?
Have you always wanted to be an engineer?
You studied computer science at university?
What do you do in your spare time?
What advice would you give to other girls who want to go into robotics?

4. Listen again and answer the questions that you wrote in Exercise 3.

1. My dad worked as a computer scientist all his life, and was always playing with computers.

2. My dad bought me my irst computer when I was about seven, and I loved it. I was always experimenting on it.

3. Yes, actually it was computing and electronics engineering.

4. I love music, it’s very similar to engineering in some ways.

5. Go for it! I want to inspire more women to go into the industry because robots are fun and they’ll enjoy it!