Lesson 4


1. Work in pairs. Read the opinion essay and answer the questions.

1. Does the writer agree or disagree with the question in the title? The writer agrees with the question in the title.
2. How do you know that this is the writer’s opinion? We know this because the writer explains the benefits of volunteering in the essay.

2. Read the essay again. Answer the questions.

1. What 3 reasons does the writer give for his/ her opinion? It makes them feel good about themselves; young people can develop useful skills and valuable experience; it gives young people the opportunity to make useful contacts.

2. What is the aim of each paragraph? Each paragraph of the main body of the essay includes at least one benefit of volunteering.

3. How is an opinion essay different to an essay about the pros and cons of something? The difference is that an opinion essay tells the reasons why the writer agrees or disagrees with a statement, however, an essay about the pros and cons of something presents the arguments on both sides.

3. Answer the questions about the words in bold in the essay. Which words and phrases are used to …

1. show a contrast between this sentence and the sentence before it? however.
2. give the reason why people do something or why something happens? in order to.
3. say that two related things are true or happened? not only...., but also.
4. give the results of something that happens? consequently, leads to, arise from.
5. talk about the purpose of something? in order to.