Lesson 4


1. Read the opinion essay. Divide the essay into four paragraphs. Mark where the paragraphs begin and end with a line (|).

In my opinion, schools should spend more time teaching students about the importance of conservation. It is far easier to persuade people to get involved in new projects when they are children and teenagers than when they are adults. Learning about conservation at a young age may lead to a life-long interest in it which will be very beneicial for the environment. | A further important beneit of spending a signiicant amount of time on the topic conservation in schools is that it shows students that their teachers and their school see conservation as an important activity. Indeed, conservation will become increasingly important in the future as global temperatures continue to rise and there is even less of the rainforest left on Earth. | The third and inal beneit of teaching students about conservation is that they can develop useful skills and gain useful knowledge while they are doing this. They can not only learn about the biology of eco-systems, for example, but they can also develop practical skills for growing fruit and vegetables in an environmentally-friendly way and teamwork skills by doing these activities together. | In conclusion, it is clear that teaching students about conservation can have a very positive effect on them. However, as I explained above, the most important beneit is that it will help students to develop a life-long interest in conservation and give them the skills to protect the environment.

2. Read the opinion essay again, then answer the questions.

1. How many reasons does the essay give for teaching about conservation? Three reasons: ( (1) It is eaiser to persuade people to get involved when they are children and encourages a life-long interest in conservation; (2) it shows students that their teachers and school see conservation as an important activity; (3) they can develop useful skills and gain useful knowledge).
2. What is the most important reason? It will help students to develop a life-long interest in conservation and give them the skills to help protect the environment.
3. Why does the writer think conservation will become more important in the future? Because global temperatures will continue to rise and there will be less rainforest left.