Lesson 2


2. Match a word from A to a word from B to make useful phrases. Some verbs match more than one word. You can use a dictionary.


have: a delivery, time, money, a choice.
save: time, money.
spend: time, money.
waste: time, money.
wait for: a delivery.

3. Read the article. Can you find any of the phrases from Exercise 2 in the text? Use your dictionary if necessary.

save (me) time, spend (lots of) time, have (more) choice, waste time, waiting for a delivery.

4. Read the article again and complete the table with the reasons for and against shopping online. Can you add any more ideas to the table?

Against For

You can’t try things before you buy

You need to wait for a delivery

Shops and cafes will close

It is less interesting than going shopping with your friends or family

It saves time

There is more choice

It is better for the environment

There will be less pollution

Things are often cheaper online


5. Complete the sentences with the correct from of the verbs in brackets.

1. If I go (go) to the shops, I will spend (spend) a lot of money.

2. When Huda visits (visit) Cairo, she will buy (buy) some new shoes.

3. Hassan won't use (not use) the internet to buy food when he is (be) older.

4. Mona will look (look) online for a new phone when she gets (got) home.

5. If I buy (buy) everything online, I won't be able to (not be able) to go shopping with my friends.

6. Complete these sentences with your own ideas.

1. If I go to the shops today, I will buy some new shoes.

2. When I need some more food, I will go to the local shop.

3. I will use the internet when I do my homework tonight.

4. I won't watch TV tonight if I have school work to finish.