Lesson 3


1. Complete the quiz.

1. If you want to be healthy, you should eat ....... .

a. only fruit and vegetables

b. a lot of meat and cheese

c. some of all types of food

2. We need to drink ....... glasses of water every day.

a. eight

b. two

c. four

3. Dairy products like milk and cheese help us to ....... .

a. have lots of hair

b. have strong bones

c. run fast

4. Meat, cheese and nuts have protein in them and we need protein to ....... .

a. sleep well

b. move fast

c. have a strong body

5. Alot of sugar ....... .

a. makes it difficult to sleep

b. is bad for your teeth

c. makes you sleep longer

6. Examples of healthy snacks are ....... .

a. fruit and nuts

b. chocolate and sweets

c. salty chips

7. People need to eat ....... pieces of fresh fruit and vegetables every day.

a. one to two

b. five to ten

c. one

8. People often like fast food because ....... .

a. it has lots of fat and sugar in it

b. it gives you energy

c. you can eat a lot of it and not feel full

9. Food is usually healthy and good for you when it is ....... .

a. expensive

b. fresh

c. from a big supermarket


3. Complete the sentences with the words in bold from the quiz.

1. Humans have 210 bones in their bodies. The biggest ones are in our legs.
2. Meat, fish and eggs all have protein in them.
3. It is better not to keep food in the fridge for a long time but to eat it when it’s fresh.
4. We call foods that are made from milk dairy products.

4. Look at the photographs and complete the sentences with the correct cooking verbs.

1. The soup is cold. Shall we heat it?

2. Please pour some tea into my cup.

3. My grandparents always serve lunch in the dining room at 4 o'clock.

4. Those tomatoes are too big. You need to chop them into small peices.

5. Do you prefer to boil or fry your eggs?

6. Put the eggs in the bowl and beat them with a fork.


5. Complete the recipes for an omelette and tomato salad with these instructions.

How to make a tomato salad How to make an omelette
1. Take two big tomatoes
and half an onion.
1. Beat two eggs in a bowl
with little milk.
2. Chop all the vegetables
into small squares.
2. Add a little salt to the
eggs and milk.
3. Put the chopped
vegetables into a bowl.
3. Heat some butter in a
frying pan.
4. Add a little oil, salt and
lemon juice.
4. Pour the eggs into the
frying pan and cook them
in the butter.
5. Serve the salad with
your omelette.
5. When the omelette is
ready, take it out of the
frying pan and serve with