Lesson 3


2. Read the blog. Where did the three people get the clothes they talk about?

Noha: from a shop in Cairo.
Ayman: from his dad.
Dalida: her grandmother made it.

3. Read the blog again. Tick (T) the correct people.

Dalida Ayman Noha Who...
T 1. chooses clothes
that are good for a
T 2. often wears the
same clothes?
T 3. has clothes
someone else used
to own?
T 4. is trying to change
how they shop?
T 5. has their clothes
made by a family


4. Read and correct the underlined words.

1. Where did you get that sunglasses? those
2. Shall I buy this blue T-shirt or that green ones? one
3. Do you prefer these dress or that one over there? this
4. I bought this shoes last week in the market. these
5. Those earrings are the one my mum gave me. ones


6. Write about a special item of clothing.

One special item of clothing is my blue, cotton shirt. My mother bought it for me when my cousin got married. I always wear it for other special events like weddings and birthdays. It always makes me feel happy when I wear it.