Lesson 4


2. Read the text quickly and answer the questions.

1. How many languages do many Africans speak? Three.
2 How does it help to speak English? It connects you to the international community.

3. Look at the words in bold in the text. Match them to their meanings.

1. The qualities that make you different to other people identities.

2. Brings things together connects.

3. People who know lots about a subject experts.

4. The good things about something advantages.

5. Of or for the whole country national.

6. A way of speaking used in one area dialect.

7. Be able to speak more than one language. multilingual.

4. Read the text again and answer the questions.

1. What are the three types of languages many African people can speak? a dialect, a national language and a European language (like English, French and Portuguese).

2. What communities do these three types of languages connect people to? They connect people to their own community, the country and international communities.

3. What are two advantages of speaking more than one language? You can talk to different people/in different ways and it helps you understand both your home and the world better.