Lesson 3


1. Read the profile quickly. Which of three questions is Shahana answering?

What is a typical day in your life?

2. Read the artice again and choose the correct answer.

1. There are five/ four people in Shahana's family.

2. Shahana lives / doesn't live in the city.

3. The family has / doesn't have water in the house.

4. Shahana has / doesn't have breakfast with her family.

5. She helps her mother feed the chickens / make dinner.

3. Read the answers about Shahana. What are the questions?

1. Where does Shahana live?

2. Who does she share a room with?

3. What does she have for breakfast?

4. Where does her father work?

4. Answer the questions.

1. She gets up early and have breakfast.

2. She feeds the chickens and helps her mum make dinner.

3. She does it after dinner.

4. She sometimes helps her brother and sister to do their homework.


6. Read the conversation and answer the questions.

1. asks for something?

Can I have some, please?

2. Suggests doing something?

Shall I help you to cut it?

3. Asks what grandma has?

Grandma, have you got a watermellon?

7. Complete the text message with can, shall, or have got.

Hi Amal 1 have you got that game called Odd one out?

2 Have you got any other children's games? My six-year-old cousin is here and he wants to play a game with me.

Yes, I do. 3 Can I borrow it this evening? My cousin would love it.

Of course. 4 Shall I play it, too?